“VITALREACT” -Vital React Therapy
$200 – “VITALREACT” -Vital React Therapy (First Edition) 2015
Publication by Masafumi Yamasaki (studied under Dr. Walter V. Pierce, Sr. for nearly 20 years and has been practicing the Pierce Results System and developing ideas for over 20 more years to help move the Results System forward)
In this document, I, Masafumi Yamasaki, would like to provide clinical and research results based on a concept inherited from Dr. Pierce.
In my life as a therapist, I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of people and be taught by some of the masters of therapy including Dr. Thomson and Dr. Gonstead. In particular, Dr. Pierce, whom I regarded as my American father and a great teacher until he passed away, taught me so many things about therapy through living in America and Japan for 20 years. Dr. Pierce was particular about taking photos of pre-treatment and post-treatment. He demonstrated the efficacy of the treatment using X-ray and visualizer DTG developed by himself, and completed a treatment system called RESULTS based on a large number of treatment results. Firstly, examination and analysis are very important in treatment. Analyzing all the information gathered from oral consultation, and making a decision on whether the patient can be cured, where to treat, how to treat, and when to treat is the most important matter. He also taught me that among these, X-ray analysis is particularly important and essential. No matter how good your palpation technique is,it is no match for X-ray for understanding what is happening in a human’s body. X-ray can teach us a lot of things. No one can deny that in analysis, X-ray is the most objective source and it reveals a lot of information. The most important thing is to take X-ray after treatment to demonstrate the real value of the treatment.
As a Judo therapist and acupuncturist, I was not able to take X-ray in clinical practice all the time. I devised a variety of testing methods through trial and error, and have been using evaluation criteria that lead to good results. With the cooperation of doctors, I take X-ray and motion X-ray (visualizer) before and after treatment to determine the effect, and have demonstrated the efficacy of DTG, mirror examination and the Masa Test in clinical practice. Dr. Pierce came up with the idea of the computer adjuster in his later years, but he passed away after only researching the subject for a year. I took over his intentions, spent a lot of time researching and studying, and finally completed the wave system. With the system, I can provide safer and more accurate treatment and approach patients whom I was not able to approach before.
The evolved treatment system made its way to Europe, and manual medicine doctors there choose to use this system over all other kinds of treatment. Now more than 100 orthopedic surgeons are using the Y/P (Vitalreact) – European name Spineliner- and walking the same path.
Currently, in addition to the treatment of spinal cord for chiropractic subluxation, I also discovered a way to adjust the cranial nerve. Through this approach, I am able to obtain results so great that they were hard to imagine in the past.
I will continue my research in the future, and with more evolution, I believe one day Vitalreact therapy will be accepted by the world as a new medicine.
To order this publication call 407-682-1880, 407-951-0806 (cell), or e-mail to rjcccsi@aol.com